
Learn Enough Docker to be Useful

Part 1: The Conceptual Landscape

  • Docker is a platform to develop, deploy, and run applications inside containers.

  • Docker containers are superior to virtual machines because they take fewer resources, are very portable, and are faster to spin up.

Docker Containers

  • Holds things: There are things both inside and outside of a container

  • Is portable: Cam be used your local machine, coworker's machine or on the cloud

  • Has clear interfaces for access: Configure to interact through the command line

  • Can be obtained from a remote location: Registry keeps an image which can create containers on demand

  • Docker container is a Docker image brought to life

  • Superior to virtual machines because containers take fewer resources, are very portable, and are faster to spin up

Docker Image

  • An image contains the Dockerfile, libraries, and code your application needs to run, all bundled together

  • docker run image_name creates and starts a container from an image


  • A recipe file with instructions for how Docker should build your image

  • Base image layer: Used to build the initial image layer

    • Example: ubuntu, node

  • Additional layers can then be stacked on top of the base image layers

    • Example: Libraries such as alfresco-content-repository, es6-angular-webpack

  • Thin writable layer

Container Registry

  • Share your image with others

  • Docker Hub is the largest registry

Part 2: A Delicious Dozen Docker Terms You Need to Know

Part 3: A Dozen Dandy Docker file Instructions

Part 4: Slimming Down Your Docker Images

Part 5:15 Docker Commands You Should Know

Part 6: Pump up the Volumes: Data in Docker

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